The world is extremely vast, vast. Few people know that there are many species of organisms on Earth carry on his supernatural powers identical to the hero of the comic book, or film that people always want to get ...
Along the back a few species capable of remarkable, such as the animal is "a fine" in nature below.
1. Ageless
East African mole but ugly in appearance, a wrinkled pink skin, hair and eyes bare, almost blind, but the "life" of their top leader in rodents.
Mole lived to 26 years or more and the most special thing is that we can still reproduce at a very old age.
Mole capable of removing damaged proteins in an efficient manner, while retaining protein stability and high quality. Thus they do not carry the usual manifestations of aging and brain dysfunction.
Several other factors contribute to the longevity of this mole not to mention is that the metabolic rate of the body is very low, reduces cell destruction process. Therefore, at any stage of life, the East African mole-rats also proved very prolific.
Scientists have studied the East African mole rat tissues and found that the tiny rodents live underground it produces a substance called hyaluronan unique. This material will protect them avoid cancer and many other serious diseases on Earth.
2. Take the old, the new growth
Animals have a very special ability, which they can regenerate broken the head, more specifically, it remains in the memory of his new brain.
The exotic animals often live under water or in moist environments on land. Thanks to the ability to grow stem cells are flexible, distributed throughout the body which, when severed, they can develop into a complete worm. This makes them the ideal biological model for immortality.
At the same time, though the body is not carrying severed head, but after recreating complete Planarian worms retain memories of ambient conditions, obstructions, or learned how to move.
3. School immortality
There is scientific name Tardigrades, water beetles bear species are tiny creatures, swimming in the water, there is 8 feet first discovered in 1773 by German biologist Johann August Ephraim Goetze. The reason they are called water bears by chubby body and moving them to the slow gait reminiscent of bears.
Adult beetles can bear water 1.5 mm long, about 0.1 mm long small children.
Ignore it looks weird water bug bear is also known for the ability to live long on the planet. They did not die even when boiled, frozen, compressed in ultra-high pressure or even dried. Moreover, this species can survive in dry conditions in many years completely and then revived again as if nothing had happened.
Even, it can exist well before the sun radiation or gamma radiation at high enough limit hundredfold kill a person. Beetles water bears exist in 10 years time without food, drinking water.
More specifically, only 3% of the normal amount of water also helps them perform better reproduction. Therefore, the bug bear was discovered around the world, from Himalayan peaks to deep seabed 4,000 meters.
Moreover, this strange creature is able to resist harsh environments of space. They adapt to radiation in the universe, vacuum, freezing cold and became the first creatures to survive in space environment without protective equipment.