The picture describes the ravages of tobacco on the human lung. Cigarette smoking is the way human lungs burned themselves and those around them.
Smoking cigarettes not only harm themselves but also indirectly killing future children.
Parents smoking is indirectly push children to take death nicotine, toxins killing of 6.6 million people worldwide each year, of which about 40,000 Vietnam.
The human body is dying on the cigarette.
Tobacco, killer hidden in between two fingers.
Smoking is suicide a painful and scary.
Indirect smoking parents push their children to God, whether he does not want to receive these little creatures, sorry.
Not only the lungs, heart, stomach gas are ignited by cigarettes.
Man writhes in cigarette smoke.
Smoke synonymous with cancer and death.
The harmful effects of tobacco.
Tobacco, the fastest way burn future, love and happiness.